Friday 25 June 2010

Put the Cream on Top

There were these bills...

You surely got something you appreciated or would you have ordered it otherwise?
So it should be so easy to appreciate bills.

And appreciate the money you use to pay them.
Appreciated for another time the postman that brought them to you.
Ain't they just another tool for creating appreciation!

You see, life is getting better and better.

And Even Better

Now you are comfortable with this little meditation go on like this:

Expand your thoughts to your environment. Is somebody there next to you? What do you appreciate on him?
Now visit your neighbours and imagine what you like.
Maybe the woman next door has a beautiful smile, the guy over there is greeting you every morning. What about the postman? He brings you nice letters. (Forget about the bills right now!)
Allow yourself to find the beauty in different people.

Now, over the day, notice how it effects you to think beautiful things about other people.

Can you feel how you are one?

Feel Good

Try this:
Before getting out of bed in the morning - or any other time that is more convenient to you - take some time for appreciation. Take three or more relaxing breaths. Inhale through this nose and exhale through your mouth, telling yourself to relax.
Then start with your feet. tell your feet why you appreciate them, that they walk you wherever you want to go and what else they are doing nicely. Go on with your legs, follow upwards till you reach your head. What are your inner organs doing for you?
You can take bigger parts like "my hand" or if you like take every finger.
In the end promise yourself to do all that you can to nourish and treat your body well.

If you happen to look into a mirror that day, just observe if anything has changed.